You can vote here!
Flash Poll #11 has just went live and it’s your chance to get some hot new Resident Evil hentai. Resident Evil is one of the best survival horror franchises and with October nearby we thought it would be great to give these horror girls some love. R‑E‑L‑O‑A‑D has never drawn girls from the franchise yet, but a long time ago drew Heather Mason from Silent HIll and Seras Victora from the brutal Hellsing.
The winner of this poll gets a sexy hentai illustration from the awesome R‑E‑L‑O‑A‑D! If you want a taste of what to expect you can see some lewd hentai examples of previous winners such as Nami from One Piece and Elma from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid.
Hope you have a safe room nearby for this! From left to right, here are the sexy women on this weeks Resident Evil hentai Flash Poll!
- Claire Redfield
- Ada Wong
- Jill Valentine
- Sheva Alomar
The poll ends Sunday, October 3rd 2021 at 11:59 PM EST and winner will have an awesome hentai illustration drawn of them starting the day after the votes have been counted. $1 gets access to the poll, $5 gets a two point vote and $10+ gets a three point vote! So vote here for your favorite Resident Evil sorcerer so you can see your waifu get some sexy hentai!